Taylor Chambers
Overall Director
Meet Taylor Chambers
Previous DM Involvement
Dancer Relations Staff, Dancer Relations Captain, Dancer Relations Overall Director
Health Education and Behavior
Winter Garden, FL
Outside Involvement
UF Shands Volunteer
In My Free Time...
I love to experience new things, whether it be food, travel or music. Spending time with family and friends is always at the top of my list as well!
Fun Fact
I was home-schooled until my sophomore year of high school.
Favorite Memory
It's impossible to pick just one because there are so many amazing memories. But, I can say that one stand out moment was when Dance Marathon had the opportunity to perform at the halftime show of a Gator football game. It was an incredible experience and in the moment I didn't realize how iconic it would be. After we finished dancing, our Miracle Child Geoffrey got to conduct the UF Marching Band while his story was shared over the loud speaker to the Gator Nation. What admittedly started as a selfish moment performing on the field turned into a beautifully humbling moment watching this amazing Miracle Child live out a milestone in his life. And at the end of the day that is what it's all about, giving the kids a chance to have a childhood and experience everything life has to offer. It's something that I will remember forever.
What Motivates You?
The biggest realization that I have had being involved with Dance Marathon is that we have the power to make a difference. Our efforts, as trivial as they may seem at times, make a difference to these kids and to their families. That is something that has resonated with me and become a reality over the years I've spent giving back through Dance Marathon and that is a driving force in my journey. This organization is more than simply raising money, it's more than an annual event, and it is absolutely about more than you or me. It's about being that beacon of hope, encouragement, and passion for everyone you come in contact with through Dance Marathon. It's about showing others that a group of passionate individuals can inspire people, come together, and make miracles happen every day. It is a way of living. This is why I choose to give back through Dance Marathon. Because in the midst of all our efforts, putting our heart and soul into the cause, we somehow get more in return than we could possibly have ever given and that is a powerful feeling.

Andrew Giacini
External Communication Overall
Meet Andrew Giacini
Previous DM Involvement
Dancer & Staff, two-year Finance Captain
Business Economics
Chattanooga, TN
Outside Involvement
Chief of Staff for the UF Student Body President, Interfraternity Council, Faculty Senate Member, Secretary of Student Services, Florida Blue Key, Gators of Tomorrow
In My Free Time...
Travel, Family, Friends, Gator Football, TV, and Eating.
Fun Fact
I served on the Board of Directors for the Gymboree Corporation.
Favorite Memory
Although I would never ever recommend anyone doing it, freshman year I managed to be both a dancer and an Operations Staff member. I left the floor after several hours of dancing to go check in for my shift, went to 2nd floor and was in awe as I looked down on the floor. Hundreds and hundreds of people were mulling around, smiles on their faces, and balls flying, the energy was overly abundant. I then look across the dome and see several Miracle Family parents mesmerized by the same scene.
It is amazing that our event and our efforts encourage students to be ambitious, bring thousands of people together for one purpose, remind students and grownups they were once kids, and remind Miracle families of the pleasures and joys in the world, meanwhile DM truly has the ability to impact the future of our community and limitless children for the better.
What Motivates You?
Although Dance Marathon is exciting, electric, exhilarating, and gives you a reason to be a kid again for 26.2 hours, the event is but a mere representation of what we are truly accomplishing. Students symbolically stand for those who can't and in honor of what we would love to see every child doing, truly enjoying their time. I am involved with and passionate about DM because it reminds me of the struggles that exist and the luck I have had. But more importantly, Dance Marathon provokes anyone involved to look into the past at the medical success stories that have changed lives and ponder the future where our efforts will impact families, make miracles, and encourage others to get involved. I am avid about and devoted to DM because I want everyone to be FTK.

Nha-Uyen Hua
Internal Communication Overall
Meet Nha-Uyen Hua
Previous DM Involvement
2-year Dancer Relations Captain
Classical Studies
Plantation, FL
Outside Involvement
Florida Blue Key, Panhellenic Council, UF Honors College
In My Free Time...
While I'm in Gainesville, I love exploring new places, especially local restaurants. I also spend as much time as possible with family and friends whenever they're around. Although I like to keep busy, you'll probably find me on Netflix or napping if I have a break on a normal day.
Fun Fact
My friends like to joke that I have "monkey feet" because I frequently use my feet like hands... I can even open doors with them!
Favorite Memory
During Dance Marathon 2013, miracle children came to cut off our hospital bands right before the total reveal. That year, Nate F. was our captain team's miracle child. Right before he cut off my band, he gave me a huge hug and thanked me. The entire team was crying and taking turns hugging each other as we realized a year of hard work and dedication made us family. It's definitely one of my favorite memories, and one I'll never forget.
What Motivates You?
When I was a freshman, I was set on being a dancer and messaged a delegate to ask what I needed to do. She told me that dancers had already been picked, and I unfortunately wouldn't be dancing that year. I was really disappointed until someone approached me about doing Jailbreak. I had no idea how much that little experience would shape my passion and involvement for DM. After meeting "bail" and hanging out on the floor with dancers, staff, captain and miracle families for a couple hours, I knew that I had to do more to give back. I had the amazing opportunity to be a Dancer Relations captain (for 2 years!) and be a part of an incredible family that took it upon themselves to make miracles happen in any way that they could.
When I see these miracle children and their families, I'm reminded of my little brother. I give so much to this organization because it could be him, and I would want someone to fight for him. Being a leader in DM has given me the chance to surround myself with selfless, inspiring and motivated students. To see a group of people work tirelessly for a single cause and for the kids is truly amazing, and I couldn't imagine my time at the University of Florida without Dance Marathon.

Em McMillen
Finance Overall
Meet Em McMillen
Previous DM Involvement
Morale Staff, two-year Finance Captain
Industrial & Systems Engineering
Orlando, FL
Outside Involvement
Panhellenic Council, National Society of Black Engineers, Society of Women Engineers
In My Free Time...
In my free time I love to cook and bake! I also enjoy traveling, spending time with my family/friends, and playing the cello.
Fun Fact
In 6th grade I decided my New Year's resolution would be to become a vegetarian. It's the only News Year's resolution I've ever kept!
Favorite Memory
It was 2014's Closing Ceremonies. Standing with my fellow Finance Captains (all of us in tears from our Overall's speech before total reveal), hugging each other trying to keep it together. And then the total goes up! Everyone is so busy looking at the numbers, they don't get to see the reactions of the Miracle Children when they first see the total. There is so much joy in their eyes. It's an honor to think that all of us were a part of that.
What Motivates You?
As a member of the Finance Team, you tend to find yourself sending emails and updating fundraising pages more often than not. I may spend my day working on spreadsheets, but when I go to sleep at night - I remember how blessed I am and how Dance Marathon has not only changed my life, but the lives of children, young adults and families everywhere.
These amazing people are the reason I love Dance Marathon and inspired me to become a leader within UF DM! Every child that CMN touches and that UF DM reaches- they are in my heart and my soul and some of them don't even know who I am. That's why Dance Marathon is so powerful. It's these types of connections that have made our endeavor to help these children and families so successful.
Dance Marathon is not something you did, or something you do in college. Dance Marathon is something that is a part of you for the rest of your life!

Hailey Boerema
Art & Layout Overall
Meet Hailey Boerema
Previous DM Involvement
Dancer, Art & Layout Captain
Master's: Web Design and Online Communications, Bachelor's: Advertising
Graphic Design
Orlando, FL
Outside Involvement
Panhellenic Council, Danza Dance Company, UF Ad Society
In My Free Time...
Dance (I have been for 18 years)
Fun Fact
...but bungee jumping WHILE IN Australia is kinda creative?
Favorite Memory
Throughout my three years of experience in Dance Marathon, my favorite memory is easily the time I spent photographing the Family Room during Dance Marathon 2014. Not only did I get to meet a lot of the families, but I got to interact with them outside of the hospital. I got to see the side of them where they forget all the hardships they've faced in the hospital and just have fun. I specifically remember Zander's father so excited to show me all the pictures of his son dancing and doing cartwheels. I sat there for 45 minutes exchanging images and listening to stories. It was so inspiring to hear how proud he was of his son. Zander is not even a quarter of my age, but his strength and energy is something I look up to.
What Motivates You?
When I first came to UF, I didn't know anything about the depth of what Dance Marathon stood for. I joined an organization that talked a lot about T-shirt check-ins and raising money to participate in an annual event. I attended the events, checked-in for the mysterious “spirit points” everyone kept talking about and raised enough money to make it on the list to dance with my organization. Once dance marathon rolled around, I experienced one of the most challenging and moving moments of my life. I listened to children that weren't even half my age talk about hardships that I would never imagine facing. I saw parents pour their hearts out to a bunch of strangers, exposing their battles to a crowd of people. It was that moment that it started to hit me more that Dance Marathon was a lot more than I could even begin to understand.
As a staff member, I got to see an entire different side to the Dance Marathon experience. Instead of standing and fighting for those who can't, I was helping the people stand and fight. As a very optimistic person, I was drawn toward keeping the energy up and giving piggyback rides to people twice my size. I was the staff member that didn't ever want to leave, because sleeping was last on my priority list.
As a captain I was exposed to a completely different side of Dance Marathon. Rather than focusing more on myself surviving the endurance of standing for 26.2 hours, I was able to witness the entire purpose behind Dance Marathon: the kids. As a photographer at the event, I was able to roam the Odome and see all the different activities going on throughout the weekend. It truly hit home for me when I started to photograph the miracle children. When I would try to photograph them, I found myself surrounded by such smiles and energy. I started to get mixed up between who was a miracle child and who wasn't, just because they were such strong fighters. I was able to talk to the parents of a few of the miracle children as well. They're eyes lit up every time they talked about their child and were so willing to share their story and their experience.
I continue to support the cause because every smile, every picture, every story, and every tear is proof that miracles can happen. No matter how small the victory is, your efforts make an impact on kids' lives, and I'm so happy to be a part of it for three years and counting.

Jacqueline Papilsky
Community Events Overall
Meet Jacqueline Papilsky
Previous DM Involvement
Dancer, two-year Community Events Captain
Disability in Society
Palm Beach Gardens, FL
Outside Involvement
ReadingPals volunteer
In My Free Time...
I love spending time with my friends and family, playing with my dog Nike, going to the gym, watching Netflix and finding new adventures to go on!
Fun Fact
I am obsessed with cheese! I would eat grilled cheese every day if I could!
Favorite Memory
My favorite DM memory was my Freshman year when I was a dancer and experienced Dance Marathon for my first time. I never thought that I would be able to stand for 26.2 hours but having all of my friends support me and listening to the miracles stories allowed me to push through. From playing with a bouncy ball for three hours straight, eating everything that I could, and jumping for joy at the rave, I loved every second of it and from that moment on I knew that I wanted to dedicate my life to DM and do all that I could to make miracles happen For The Kids.
What Motivates You?
Everyday I am reminded of how fortunate I am to have gotten involved in this incredible organization that truly changes lives. My family and I know first hand how hard it is to watch a child fight for their life and I never want another Miracle Child to go through that. Dance Marathon not only brings happiness and joy to the children, but hope and miracles to the families as well. Seeing the smiles in the miracle children and watching the numbers grow year after year inspires me to do all that I can to ensure miracles will happen for years to come!
I am incredibly honored to serve as the Community Events Overall and strive to keep the magic of Dance Marathon alive all year round. The different events put on throughout the year are proof of the dedication and commitment that the entire University of Florida and Gainesville community have for this organization. I am so excited to see the miracles that we will make this year!

Suzy Schrimsher
Dancer Relations Overall
Meet Suzy Schrimsher
Previous DM Involvement
Two-year Dancer, Dancer Relations Captain
Family Youth and Community Sciences
International Studies, Mass Communications
Orlando, FL
Outside Involvement
Doulos Greek Ministry, Free Dove Market, Inc., Panhellenic Council
In My Free Time...
I love to go on adventures with my friends, try new restaurants, read and go to group fitness classes!
Fun Fact
I teach group fitness classes through RecSports here at UF! Come run stadiums and do interval training with me
Favorite Memory
I will never forget when the Mullen family had our entire Dancer Relations team over for dinner. We had so much fun hanging out with them and reflecting on the impact Dance Marathon has had on their son, Nick. At the end of the night, they drew a name out of a hat to donate to and I was surprised and humbled to hear my name called. It was a beautiful picture of how UF students and the families we support join together to be one team for the same cause, supporting each other along the way.
What Motivates You?
I love Dance Marathon because it is something that can only be accomplished when many people join together with the same mission. It is humbling to see so many children and family's lives positively changed by Dance Marathon year after year. I have never been more proud to be a part of something, especially during my time in college. Volunteering in the Child Life Department at the hospital brought to life the impact that Dance Marathon has on every child's life individually. A lover of kids myself, and an aunt to 8 little goofballs, DM has a special place in my heart that will never go away. I could not be happier to spend my senior year in college investing time into this wonderful organization with so many beautiful people.

Julie Riddle
Entertainment Overall
Meet Julie Riddle
Previous DM Involvement
Entertainment Captain
Zoology and Psychology
Odessa, FL
Outside Involvement
Assistant Show One, Technical Division, O'Connell Center
In My Free Time...
I love working with all animals, big and small! I primarily spend my down-time reading, napping, or with friends, but I would much prefer to go on random adventures any day!
Fun Fact
I've worked at a wild cat sanctuary since I was 11 after I started a junior volunteer program there!
Favorite Memory
I ran into a Miracle Family on a bus home from class one morning and got to hear all of their stories throughout the years they had been involved in DM!
What Motivates You?
I want to use entertainment to make DM an even bigger, better event than it was last year!

Daniel Harbus
Family Relations Overall
Meet Daniel Harbus
Previous DM Involvement
Dancer, two-year Delegate, Family Relations Captain
Business Administration, Specialization in Travel/Tourism Management
Suffern, NY
Outside Involvement
Community Involvement for Florida Blue Key, Florida Leadership Academy, Inter-Fraternity Council
In My Free Time...
I love to spend time with my family, friends and dogs, travel as much as I can, go on runs and really anything to do with Dance Marathon!
Fun Fact
I have a crazy obsession with cruise ships and can tell you nearly anything about each and every one.
Favorite Memory
One of my favorite memories from Dance Marathon is from this past years closing ceremonies. After telling their miracle story, one of our miracle families expressed how DM does not end after the event. While we may be done physically standing for 26.2 hours, so many children are still overcoming many obstacles. Within weeks and months of DM, more children have appointments and treatments they need and this is crucial to always remember. We do not dance for just 26.2 hours but for a lifetime and we will not stop until there are no longer sick children. Our miracle family stated, "Dance Marathon won't be something you did, but something you do." This is why I will always give back to Dance Marathon for as long as I can.
What Motivates You?
The summer before my sophomore year of high school, my close friend was on a trip to the west coast. When she was getting off the bus in Las Vegas, her legs gave out and she fell to the floor. That was the last moment she stood. She was diagnosed weeks later with Transverse Myelitis, which is a rare inflammation of the spinal chord. She is now paralyzed from her waist down. I am so fortunate to have the life I have and if I could do anything to help others whether that be simply making someone smile, it is the way I live each and every day. I stand for my friend who can no longer stand herself and for all of our miracle children whose stories have inspired me immensely to be a better person and appreciate my family and friends to the fullest.

Libby Tonner
Hospitality Overall
Meet Libby Tonner
Previous DM Involvement
Two-year Hospitality Captain
International Business
Vero Beach, FL
Outside Involvement
Panhellenic Council, Warrington College of Business Administration
In My Free Time...
I like to try new foods, watch Bravo, travel and spend time with friends and family!
Fun Fact
I called grapes "peeps" as a child.
Favorite Memory
One of my favorite things about Dance Marathon has always been Miracle Night at Sweet Dreams. Scooping ice-cream flavors created by the kids is always so much fun!
What Motivates You?
On February 8th, 2013, just a mere 62 days before Dance Marathon 2013, the unimaginable happened; pediatric cancer became a reality for my family. My nine-year-old cousin, Carmen Elizabeth Liehe, was diagnosed with Glioblastoma Multiforme, the most aggressive and terminal type of brain cancer. I never imagined that something so real would ever happen to somebody so close to me.
As a first year Hospitality Captain, I was fortunate enough to tour UF Health Shands Children's Hospital, but I didn't fully understand how incredible it truly was at the time. During one of our many family visits to California to see Carmen, I quickly began to realize the immense impact of Dance Marathon. Carmen's hospital didn't even compare to the spirited and energetic accommodations of UF Health Shands Children's Hospital. Because of these experiences, I have seen first-hand the impact that Dance Marathon has on Miracle Families both in and out of the hospital.
My family's experience with pediatric cancer has opened my eyes to the challenges and struggles that these families face each and every day. Dance Marathon has found a place in my heart and I am so honored and excited to serve on the Overall Team for Dance Marathon 2015!

Alex Griffin
Marathon Relations Overall
Meet Alex Griffin
Previous DM Involvement
Dancer, Recruitment Captain
Chattanooga, TN
Outside Involvement
International Programs Student Ambassador
In My Free Time...
Read books, watch TV, exercise and cook
Fun Fact
In high school, I was the lead singer in a band called "Falcon Punch."
Favorite Memory
My favorite memory was my first High School Dance Marathon at Palm Beach Central this past year. It was incredibly moving to see so many high school students show such strong support for Dance Marathon, especially since their school is four hours from Gainesville!
What Motivates You?
What drives me to be a leader are the leaders around me. Everyone else within the organization brings such energy and life to the event. This past year, my team pushed me to levels of success I could not have hoped to achieve on my own. They are a main reason why I love Dance Marathon. In addition, being able to help the Miracle Families in any way possible is a huge motivation! These children go through so much that making their day a little bit better is enough motivation for me.
It is not that easy to be able to find that niche and place you belong in at such a large university. However, Dance Marathon at the University of Florida is an amazing organization with so many members who have similar aspirations, to help kids. It's great to see an organization that influences so many on campus to give back to such a great cause. Ever since my first Dance Marathon as a dancer/delegate than the following year as a Family Relations captain, the feeling you get from simply standing in the O'Dome is indescribable. Seeing the smiles and excitement on our miracle children's faces and watching thousands of students year worth of hard work all come together is unbelievable. Dance Marathon is so much bigger than ourselves and I am lucky to be a part of such an incredible organization. I am so honored to serve as the 2015 Family Relations Overall and can't wait to make more miracles happen for the kids!

Mackenzie LaPorte
Marketing Overall
Meet Mackenzie LaPorte
Previous DM Involvement
Morale Staff, Marketing Captain
Ponte Vedra Beach, FL
Outside Involvement
Panhellenic Council, Ad Society, American Marketing Association
In My Free Time...
I like to spend time with my friends exploring Gainesville, travel anywhere I can and listening to music!
Fun Fact
Fruity pebbles are my all-time-favorite cereal
Favorite Memory
My favorite DM memory would definitely be meeting Kaedyn and his family with the rest of the marketing team!
What Motivates You?
I didn't know much about Dance Marathon as a freshman and applied to be a part of the morale staff to try to get involved. The second I stepped inside the O'dome for DM 2013, I fell in love with the cause. There was an electric feeling in the air, and seeing how special this event was for the miracle children was incredible. After that I decided I wanted to help this cause in any way I could, and I am so honored to be a part of the 2015 Overall Team!

Keith Shopa
Morale Overall
Meet Keith Shopa
Previous DM Involvement
Dancer, two-year Morale Captain
Business Administration
Port Charlotte, FL
Outside Involvement
Camp Kesem, Young Leaders Conference, Global Medical Training, Gators March for Babies, UFHealth Volunteer
In My Free Time...
I enjoy spending time with my family and friends, watching movies, exercising, playing guitar and listening to 'N Sync (the greatest band ever).
Fun Fact
I live on a farm, with just about every critter you can think of!
Favorite Memory
Performing the 2014 line-dance at 4:30am in a conjoined-siamese-twin-outfit with another fellow Morale captain that caused a sea of dancers to laugh and smile at a time where their spirits were growing tired.
What Motivates You?
It's not often that an individual can put forth an effort to make a difference and actually see that change take place and benefit the lives of others. With Dance Marathon though they can. When I signed up to be a dancer my freshmen year I had no idea how incredible of an experience it would be or that I was embarking on a journey with Dance Marathon and Children's Miracle Network that would define the man I would grow to be. With every miracle story I heard, or line-dance I danced for those 26.2 hours I soon learned that I wanted to help the culture that is Dance Marathon grow from that point on.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, if I could major in Dance Marathon and minor in Morale I'd graduate next year with a 4.0 without a doubt. Not a day goes by where I don't think about the event and the difference it makes for the kids. I'm so honored to be able to use my experiences as a dancer and a Morale captain and be able to reflect the spirit and passion of DM through this position. While I may not know exactly how I fell head-over-heels in love with this philanthropy, I do know that I'm truly thankful I did.

Carter Wallace
Operations Overall
Meet Carter Wallace
Previous DM Involvement
Operations Captain
Tampa, FL
Outside Involvement
Gator Growl
In My Free Time...
Exercise, watch sports, read.
Fun Fact
I work at a camp for children with Muscular Dystrophy every summer.
Favorite Memory
My favorite memory of DM was at Dance Marathon 2013, in which UF finally broke the $1 million mark for total fundraising. I can still picture the miracle families celebrating and hugging each other as the numbers were raised up during closing ceremonies. There was an electric feeling in the O'Connell Center at that moment, as it seemed like there was no ceiling to what UF students could achieve if we stood united for a cause. This memory stays with me everyday as a reminder that Dance Marathon is an event like no other on this campus, and that is has the capacity to do extraordinary things for our community.
What Motivates You?
When I first got involved in Dance Marathon, it was as an Operations staffer my freshman year. I did not fully understand what the event was about or even who exactly the money was benefiting. Still, I signed up to be a staffer again my sophomore year to learn more about the cause and why it had the effect that it did on so many UF students.
After staying for the closing ceremonies and hearing the stories from all the families, as well as taking in the fact that we as a school had raised over $1 million, I finally realized what Dance Marathon was all about. It was a group of young people at the University of Florida participating in something bigger than themselves, and achieving a feat that could only be done together. It no longer mattered what organization each individual belonged to; instead all that mattered was the common passion for children and their welfare. I knew right then and there that I wanted to be more involved in DM and make it a central part of my life. That is why I applied to be a captain my Junior year and it is why I am now the Overall for Operations for this upcoming DM. I want to be able to say that I truly helped people while I was in college, and I can think of no better way to do that than Dance Marathon.

Melissa Dukes
Public Relations Overall
Meet Melissa Dukes
Previous DM Involvement
Dancer, Public Relations Captain
Public Relations
Business Administration and Non-Profit
Orlando, FL
Outside Involvement
Panhellenic Council, Campus Crusade for Christ, Doulos
In My Free Time...
I love spending time with friends and family, doing anything active and adventurous, traveling and attempting to be a foodie.
Fun Fact
Every single animal movie makes me cry, including Air Bud.
Favorite Memory
My favorite memory of DM so far was watching the reactions of the Miracle Children and their families when the total was revealed. Seeing their joy and excitement made every minute spent on Dance Marathon so real.
What Motivates You?
After dancing two years ago, I was hooked on Dance Marathon. All you have to do is watch these kids laugh and play to know that they are worth giving everything you have to give them the opportunity for miracles. The battle they fight every day is something most of us will never understand, but to see the way they embrace every day is something we can all learn from them. Through Dance Marathon, we have the rare opportunity to directly impact these children's lives and seeing what DM provides these families makes me so excited to serve as an overall this year.

Jenna Baxter
Recruitment Overall
Meet Jenna Baxter
Previous DM Involvement
Marketing Captain, Recruitment Captain
Wellington, TL
Outside Involvement
Panhellenic Council
In My Free Time...
I like to exercise, cook food and travel
Fun Fact
I pole vaulted in high school.
Favorite Memory
My favorite Dance Marathon memory is this year when the Recruitment Team planned Nate, our miracle child, a birthday party. The theme was based off his favorite show, Phineas and Ferb. When Nate and his family walked through the door, it was the most amazing feeling. Nate and his sisters has so much fun and the whole family was so appreciative. The smile on their faces will forever motivate and remind me why I do Dance Marathon.
What Motivates You?
As a captain my freshman year, I didn't know what to expect for my first Dance Marathon. Walking into the O'Connell Center, I realized how this event was bigger than myself. The event allowed students to be apart of something so amazing and life-changing to the ones standing for 26.2 hours, but also the Miracle Families at Children's Miracle Network. I knew I was going to be apart of Dance Marathon throughout my college years and after.

Alex Migdall
Technology Overall
Meet Alex Migdall
Previous DM Involvement
Hospitality Staff, Hospitality Captain, Technology Captain
Industrial and Systems Engineering
Business Administration
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Outside Involvement
UF RecSports, Interfraternity Council, FHSAA Basketball Official
In My Free Time...
I enjoy playing basketball, going out to eat, watching movies and officiating basketball games.
Fun Fact
I've been in a movie and a commercial before. Everyone calls me "Mig."
Favorite Memory
My favorite memory occurred while being a part of a dinner hosted for a Miracle Family last year. When you're at the event and you hear the struggles of the children, you never truly understand what the day to day life for their parents are. Going to ONE dinner, spending ONE hour with this family helped give me the glimpse into their lives I never thought about. The constant priority of the children in the parents' lives is truly inspiring. I learned how wonderful the stories can be and how the parent's stories can be just as amazing, just as inspiring as their children's.
What Motivates You?
A wise man once said "The meaning of life is to plant trees for whose shade you do not intend to sit." When I became a part of the technology team, I experienced so much enlightenment regarding the inner workings of this organization. I walked with nothing but passion and potential, and here I am, having gained knowledge in filming, editing, coding, website building & maintenance, and event logistics. What motivates me is the potential this position has. We have the opportunity to bring Dance Marathon to a completely new level of awareness and participation through a more cohesive, straightforward website, addition of a mobile app and producing high quality videos.
The future of this organization is based on the assets we cultivate for the future. I am highly motivated by the opportunity to build up Captains who will steadily contribute to this organization over the years to come. This motivation is more of a transformation from the passion to contribute to a cause much bigger than myself into cultivating that passion within others.
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